Friday, February 21, 2025

2025 Disco Bay Mixer 3-22


Years ago I saw a sign near Port Townsend that said "BiKE Shop and Art Gallery"  with an arrow pointing off the highway. A 1/4 mile down the side street in an industrial zone I found Williwaw,  a workshop filled with unique old bikes;  some retail essentials, and a small display of beautiful live edge furniture pieces and other wood craftings for sale. Outside was a storage container FULL of old parts and frames and scattered throughout the trees and landscape were whimsical bicycle themed driftwood sculptures. After an hour or so of treasure hunting and small talk with Scott the artist/owner,  I bid farewell and he handed me a sticker he had made that read "A bicycle will set you free". The simple message resonated deeply with me and I have held the sentiment closely ever since.  My bicycle has shaped my life since I was a kid. It has always given me a sense of mental and physical freedom and the ability to get lost from the real world. Me and my friends still get lost often,  wandering about on two wheels without a purpose, our minds temporarily free from life's volume, stopping randomly  here and there to shoot the shit and sip on something tasty. It's a beautifully simple practice to go ride without a goal or a destination, without a timeframe or a plan, especially with your pals. Not many things in life allow for so little thought yet offer so much in return.

I like to think that the Mixer was built on this ideology, granted there is a destination and a route but other than that it's a "free" ride. No rules, no timeframes,  no costs, no traffic, no competition, no ego just a gosh darn bicycle ride with friends. This is the seventh year that we've put on this party and I can honestly say I feel so proud when I see so many people smiling, hanging by the fire, sipping tastys, making new friends and taking it slow. I like to think we're all just kids out there on a ride with some snacks, checking out the world. 
Anyway.........The route is unchanged this year but we will be adding a little more detail to the Miller Peninsula/Cat Lake gps to make it easier to navigate that gauntlet out there. I'll post it asap.  Check out the previous years blog posts for more photos of the route if you're interested  Other than that, the black van will be out and about with cold and hot ones as well as some water on board. Please remember not to park your car in front of or in the parking lot of Rainshadow Cafe. There is plenty of parking on all the side streets within a two block radius. Lots of folks have asked if they can donate some dollars to help with the ride and we just ask if you're feeling inclined please donate to the Peninisula Trails Coalition  they have a Venmo set up @PenisuaTrailsCoalition The Olympic Discovery Trail is a huge part of what makes this route and this ride so special and enjoyable and the the folks at PTC do an incredible amount of volunteer work to build, maintain and develop the trail. Support them if you can. Thank You! See you in the woods. 

The ride to starts at 9am-ish from Rainshadow Cafe in Downtown Sequim. Pre-roll Coffee and breakfast begins at 8am, this is a really fun social hour talking bikes, snacks, shitty weather etc. and sharing hugs and high fives. The route heads east from Sequim onto the Olympic Discovey Trail through Sequim Bay State park and down to the Seven Cedars Casino and Longhouse Market. Just east of the market the route heads south on Woods Rd. which is the beginning of the dirt section of the ride. A ways up the road there is a mid morning fire stop and gathering in a nice clearcut area. 
From here the route heads south continuing to climb gently then turns  east through the Snow Creek area on smaller more wooded roads before descending  to Uncas Rd just south of Discovery Bay.

The mass rollout of 100 plus ramblers is definitely a head turner for sleepy Sequim locals on a winter morning.

The Disco Bay Mixer is a bicycle’s a mixed surface stroll, a pedaling  potluck, a shivery shindig, a stop and go ramble, a winter cycling social. Ride your bike someplace neat; stop, make coffee, drink beer, eat real good snacks, talk bikes and life, catch some nature at work and keep pedaling, that’s the style we’re talking about. It’s An all day bicycle field trip, a one day tour if you will. Bring your stove for hot bevs, your panniers or bags for snacks and extra clothes, it’s gonna be chilly. This ride is doable on any bike but optimal on something with fenders, mid width tires and racks somewhere to carry gear and goodies. About the late February early March time of year most of us are soggy, salty and socially starved out here on the peninsula. We just thought it’d be real nice to create a little organized ride to bring our cycling communities together for some laughs, some sips  and some adventure.

Lots of forest out there...

and Hippies too. 

I can never get enough bike gandering time. So many bitchin' rigs! 

                         Beyond the gates await the flames. 

                         Fire it up. 

                             Plenty of Parking 

                       Some small controlled burns here and there.....

                      Mud is always on the menu

Make sure to thank these cats when you see them.

Remember kids this is a fully unsupported free for all but everyone is there to lend a helping hand if ya need. 

North on uncas for a few minutes  and the Discovery Bay village awaits. Sadly the Grocery Store and Taproom were victims of the COVID ripple effect and are no longer open which means there is no real restock, refuel midpoint this year. There are some nice places along the water here to enjoy a fine beverage or a delicious snack so make sure you bring lots of both in those bike bags.
The afternoon miles stretch through Disco Bay and Gardiner on quiet roads and onward to diamond point where the route  reconnects to the Olympic Discovery Trail which meanders  all the way back to Downtown Sequim. Just prior to Diamond Point rd. is Gardner Beach Rd. where lots of peeps will bomb the hill down to the beach for an afternoon gathering. 

If you're looking for more miles and more dirt the route heads north on Diamond Pt. Road. Just off Diamond Pt. Road begins more dirt trail and a chance to check out Cat Lake. From Cat Lake the route weaves and winds for a few miles on some great single
track and double track before it reconnects with the Olympic Discovery Trail just before Sequim Bay. Otherwise some folks like to ride further north out to the end of Miller Peninsula for a beach stop before more miles of dirt ribbons back to West Sequim Bay Rd. which will lead back to the Discovery trail at Jamestown. We'll have a new gps file for this section before the ride starts this year. Below is the old one.

This 6 mile single track  section can be easily bypassed by staying on Old Gardiner Rd. then heading south on  Diamond Pt. Road until it hits the Discovery trail but you probably shouldn’t miss this section!

Blast it!

An empty shell from the pre-covid halcyon days.

The final destination is Peninsula Taproom which is a stones throw from Rainshadow Cafe where the ride begins. The Taproom  is a favorite for a post ride pint and ride recap laughs. Take out food is welcome and there are several good options nearby. The Taproom also has a good little snack menu as well. 

Come out and mix it up!  This is an unsupported, unsponsored unpretentious free ride for all. We will have  a van  at various stops for caffeine and beer offerings but don't count on us for much else. 

Difficulty: easy/moderate 

Terrain: bike path/gravel road/ double track/ single track/country road

Distance: 40 -50 miles

Total potential Ride Time (including stops): All Day

                      Email if you have questions or concerns
Or DM  @velolympic @nrampp or @freewheelchichester on Instagram

The PTR landing pad. We love you Gary! We'll be ripping skids all day for you buddy!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

2024 Disco Bay Mixer is on!!!!!

Howdy there bicycle ramblers, its March already and that means it's Mixer time once again. If you know you know and if you don't it's definitely worth finding out. This is the sixth year of our party on wheels here in Sequim. Every year we see more and more faces and feel more and more stoke. More coffee gets brewed and more beers disappear, more friends are made more miles are added.  For us this is like a social kickstart for the year and usually our first all day bicycle outing after hundreds of days of greybird skies,  minimal daylight, too much indoor time and not enough ass on saddle. We put this ride together each year simply to gather cycling communities together, share some beautiful miles and tighten our connections. Thanks in advance for showing up and making it a blast!  

The Disco Bay Mixer is a bicycle’s a mixed surface stroll, a pedaling  potluck, a shivery shindig, a stop and go ramble, a winter cycling social. Ride your bike someplace neat; stop, make coffee, drink beer, eat real good snacks, talk bikes and life, catch some nature at work and keep pedaling, that’s the style we’re talking about. It’s An all day bicycle field trip, a one day tour if you will. Bring your stove for hot bevs, your panniers or bags for snacks and extra clothes, it’s gonna be chilly. This ride is doable on any bike but optimal on something with fenders, mid width tires and racks somewhere to carry gear and goodies. About the late February early March time of year most of us are soggy, salty and socially starved out here on the peninsula. We just thought it’d be real nice to create a little organized ride to bring our cycling communities together for some laughs, some sips  and some adventure.

The ride starts at 9am from Rainshadow Cafe in Downtown Sequim. Pre-roll Coffee and breakfast  begins at 8am. The route heads east from Sequim onto the Olympic Discovey Trail through Sequim Bay State park and down to the Seven Cedars Casino and Longhouse Market. Just east of the market the route heads south on Woods Rd. which is the beginning of the dirt section of the ride. A ways up the road here is a great place for a mid morning stop for an hour or so. 
From here the route heads south continuing to climb gently then turns  east through the Snow Creek area on smaller more wooded roads before descending  to Uncas Rd just south of Discovery Bay.

North on uncas for a few minutes  and the Discovery Bay village awaits. Sadly the Grocery Store and Taproom were victims of the COVID ripple effect and are no longer open which means there is no real restock, refuel midpoint this year. There are some nice places along the water here to enjoy a fine beverage or a delicious snack so make sure you bring lots of both in those bike bags.
The afternoon miles stretch through Disco Bay and Gardiner on quiet roads and onward to diamond point where the route  reconnects to the Olympic Discovery Trail which meanders  all the way back to Downtown Sequim. Just prior to Diamond Point rd. is Gardner Beach Rd. where lots of peeps will bomb the hill down to the beach for an afternoon gathering. 

If you're looking for more miles and more dirt the route heads north on Diamond Pt. Road. Just off Diamond Pt. Road begins more dirt trail and a chance to check out Cat Lake. From Cat Lake the route weaves and winds for a few miles on some great single
track and double track before it reconnects with the Olympic Discovery Trail just before Sequim Bay. Otherwise some folks like to ride further north out to the end of Miller Peninsula for a beach stop before more miles of dirt ribbons back to West Sequim Bay Rd. which will lead back to the Discovery trail at Jamestown. 

This 6 mile section can be easily bypassed by staying on Old Gardiner Rd. Until it hits the Discovery trail but you probably shouldn’t miss this section!

The final destination is Peninsula Taproom which is a stones throw from Rainshadow Cafe where the ride begins. The Taproom  is a favorite for a post ride pint and ride recap laughs. Take out food is welcome and there are several good options nearby. The Taproom also has a good little snack menu as well. 

Come out and mix it up!  This is an unsupported, unsponsored unpretentious free ride for all. We will have  a van  at various stops for caffeine and beer offerings but don't count on us for much else. 

Difficulty: easy/moderate 

Terrain: bike path/gravel road/ double track/ single track/country road

Distance: 40 -50 miles

Total potential Ride Time (including stops): All Day

                      Email if you have questions or concerns
Or DM  @velolympic @nrampp or @freewheelchichester on Instagram

Thursday, February 16, 2023

2023 Disco Bay Mixer Time!

Welcome to or welcome back to the Disco Bay Mixer blogformation portal. Another year has passed and we’re jazzed to be hosting the 2023 DBM cycling ramble here in Sequim. By mid March here on the Peninsula most of us are patching things together after months of damp, dark, quiet grey bird days, cold fingers and toes and lack of human connection during these months of hibernation. About 6 years ago we hatched the idea of having an all day cycling party in late winter as a beacon of hope and stoke to guide us through the dark months and welcome us into a new season of longer days in the saddle with less clothes and more friends. The positivity and pure collective joy we’ve experienced the last five years hosting The Disco Bay Mixer has blown our minds! Everyone whose ever shown up to party in the woods with us and wallow in the pure simple joy of cycling and the places and people it connects us with has made this event real special. Last year’s turnout of 80+ cyclers who came from all around the PNW to share the love for the woods and bicycles was somethin' else. For many of us it was one of our first big gatherings since the the Rona had shattered all social norms and left us uneasy, unsure and socially starved. I think it’s safe to say that most if not all who rolled last year left with a bigger smile and brighter spirit than what they arrived with. I hope this inspires you to come out to our neck of the woods and party with us again this year. 

The Disco Bay Mixer is a bicycle’s a mixed surface stroll, a pedaling  potluck, a shivery shindig, a stop and go ramble, a winter cycling social. Ride your bike someplace neat; stop, make coffee, drink beer, eat real good snacks, talk bikes and life, catch some nature at work and keep pedaling, that’s the style we’re talking about. It’s An all day bicycle field trip, a one day tour if you will. Bring your stove for hot bevs, your panniers or bags for snacks and extra clothes, it’s gonna be chilly. This ride is doable on any bike but optimal on something with fenders, mid width tires and racks somewhere to carry gear and goodies. About the late February early March time of year most of us are soggy, salty and socially starved out here on the peninsula. We just thought it’d be real nice to create a little organized ride to bring our cycling communities together for some laughs, some sips  and some adventure.

The ride starts at 9am from Rainshadow Cafe in Downtown Sequim.  Pre-roll Coffee and breakfast  begins at 8am. The route heads east from Sequim onto the Olympic Discovey Trail through Sequim Bay State park and down to the Seven Cedars Casino and Longhouse Market. Just east of the market the route heads south on Woods Rd. which is the beginning of the dirt section of the ride. A ways up the road here is a great place for a mid morning stop for an hour or so.
From here the route heads south continuing to climb gently then turns  east through the Snow Creek area on smaller more wooded roads before descending  to Uncas Rd just south of Discovery Bay.

North on uncas for a few minutes  and the Discovery Bay village awaits. Sadly the Grocery Store  and Taproom were victims of the COVID ripple effect and are no longer open which means there is no real restock, refuel midpoint this year. There are some nice places along the water here to enjoy a fine beverage or a delicious snack so make sure you bring lots of both in those bike bags.
The afternoon miles stretch through Disco Bay and Gardiner on quiet roads and onward to diamond point where it reconnects to the Olympic Discovery Trail which meanders  all the way back to Downtown Sequim.
Here we will have a new section this year which  heads north to Gardiner beach and back west to Diamond Pt. Road. Just off Diamond Pt. Road begins more dirt trail and a chance to check out the mysterious Cat Lake. From Cat Lake the route weaves and winds for a few miles on some great single
track before it reconnects with the Olympic Discovery Trail just before Sequim Bay. 

This 6 mile section can be easily bypassed by staying on Old Gardiner Rd. Until it hits the Discovery trail but you probably shouldn’t miss this section!

The final destination is Peninsula Taproom which is a stones throw from Rainshadow Cafe where the ride begins. The Taproom  is a favorite for a post ride pint and ride recap laughs. Take out food is welcome and there are several good options nearby. The Taproom also has a good little snack menu as well. 

Come out and mix it up!  This is an unsupported, unsponsored unpretentious free ride for all. 

Difficulty: easy/moderate 

Terrain: bike path/gravel road/ double track/ single track/country road

Distance: 40 -50 miles

Total potential Ride Time (including stops): All Day

                      Email if you have questions or concerns
Or DM  @velolympic @nrampp or @freewheelchichester on Instagram


Thanks for rolling with us and helping us bring this ride to life. See you soon!